The insurance for home protection

home protection
The insurance for home protection

Modern man lives in an era increasingly affected by the threat of severe natural phenomena, as well as a growing sense of insecurity for their life and their property. A new threat which translates into an increase of the level of distress and mental apprehension emerges almost at every moment. Although it is virtually impossible to get rid of such concerns, it is possible to find means of relief and one of the most effective is without a doubt the insurance.

The need to preserve the heritage, usually accumulated after years of effort is one of the largest sources of anguish for the contemporary man. Housing is the most important investment and the good of greater value in the heritage of the middle class family.

When asked where their housing and the goods contained therein are destroyed in an unexpected manner, would you have the financial resources to replace them? The answer for a significant part of the homeowners in Venezuela is a resounding NO. How to recover from a loss of this magnitude?

It is estimated that less than 3% of the population has insurance home in Venezuela. However, every day their homes are at risk as the rupture of a pipe, the damage of an electrical installation with potential to generate a fire or a robbery among others.

Home insurance is a contract by which an insurer provides financial protection to events and disasters that may affect the structure or content of the housing. Protection against fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, hurricane, damage by water, flood, smoke, impact of land vehicles, removal of debris and theft charges are some of the coverages that are included.

In addition, members have the option to purchase additional coverage as that of home-based care for urgent repairs of plumbing, locksmith and electricity, or coverage to cover civil liability for damage caused to third parties by any member of the family group. So the home insurance helps preserve those elements relating to the environment of the dwelling which are the basis of the quality of life of the family and in some cases are essential to win the daily sustenance.

Home insurance is usually offered in the form of a policy that mainly combines coverage for risks of damage to buildings, damage to contents and family civil responsibility.

What is the coverage for damage to buildings?

This coverage in general protects those elements that are usually fixed in the housing and you are carried when you move house. These elements make up the structure of the House: ceilings, walls, windows, doors as well as those permanent accessories such as wooden floors, parts of bath and closets among others.

What is the coverage of content?

This coverage is usually optional and is often combined with building coverage. Covers those objects which are not fixed such as furniture, appliances as refrigerators, stoves and washing machines, electronic equipment like televisions, computers, players of audio and video, pictures, books, clothing, lingerie, area rugs and lamps among others.

What is family civil liability coverage?

Under this coverage the insurer will reimburse the sums which the insured is obliged to pay as a result of bodily injury or property damage to third parties caused accidentally. It covers the personal activities of the insured and their families inside and outside your home, the activities of their domestic employees, ownership of pets, water spillage, the activities carried out by independent contractors on behalf of the insured or damage to the property of neighbors, as a result of fire originated in the secured housing.

In conclusion, understand how it works home insurance, can avoid serious financial difficulties in case of an event which damage your property or to engage its liability to any family.

The Western insurance is committed to develop insurance products for the home designed specifically to meet the needs of the Venezuelan family, who are also accessible to the majorities, easy-to-hire. In a next installment we will be announcing the benefits of the new protection policy for the home, exclusively for customers of BOD.
The insurance for home protection The insurance for home protection Reviewed by GanarGanando on 13:48:00 Rating: 5

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