Welfare State, State insurance and its influence on the market

Welfare State, State insurance and its influence on the market

The intervention of the State in the insurance business is unavoidable, either because regulate it and monitor their exercise in safeguarding the interests of the insured community, or because it absorbed into the partially or fully inspired by political and economic ideologies that in its doctrinal basis seek to the pursuit of the common good. Regardless of the political orientation of the State, such search usually revolves around three main principles deeply interrelated between if: social inclusion, democratic participation and equal opportunities. Let's see how public institutions face this important challenge from different perspectives.

The welfare State

This concept refers to a set of institutions of the economies of social democrat and liberal inspiration, known as Social security systems, that supported the structure of the State, they are intended to the promotion and protection of the social and economic well-being of citizens. In conjunction with taxes, the centrepiece of the action of the welfare State is the Social insurance institution. This entity manages the funds constituted under a scheme of insurance which are financed in a tripartite manner through contributions that are made by workers, employers and the State. Accumulated funds are used to grant benefits that typically include the provision of unemployment insurance, old age, widowhood and orphan pension, disability and medical insurance. In these economies, poverty is considered as an inevitable cost of the process of economic growth and to mitigate it, the State intervenes through social security systems which, in practice, are saving and wealth redistribution systems that transfer resources to those most in need. Concrete results of the implementation of this concept can be seen in economies like the English or the French, whose relative poverty rates would soar above 25% if they are measured before experiencing the beneficial effect of social security, which has managed to contain it in an historic average of 5% before the global economic crisis.
Welfare State, State insurance and its influence on the market Welfare State, State insurance and its influence on the market Reviewed by GanarGanando on 12:18:00 Rating: 5

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